Tv Journal 5

I never watch television, because the rare moments that I watch it, I fall slepp! Whatever the place, at home, a friends' house or even at the cinema. Therefore, I said ti myself that for my homework TV journal, I need to choose a program which should keep me awake. Comparatively many programs play every day, but mine plays seldom! My program plays only one time per week,therefore I should not miss it when I have a TV journal to do! It is certain that watching a program in English improves my comprehension of English. I am certain that if I had listened to English television as a child, I would understand English perfectly. As I noticed that my comprehension was better, I kept the good practice to view English television from time to time. I find that it is an excellent means of improving our English. Moreover, the program is funny and amusing to watch. I really appreciated the program which I chose. I am certain that the student would like it, but maybe not the guys! It's not a program where there is action with guns or monsters so I don't believe that the guys would be interested! There is also the fact that the program plays only one time per week. If people selected this program for school and they have a conflict or they work the day of the program and they will not be able to do their TV journal. To conclude my TV journal, I have appreciated doing these homework assignments which were useful yo me for my improvement. Thank you!